Sign up for SSDA Multi-Grade Classroom PD Program

SSDA is excited to announce a professional learning program for Teachers and Paraprofessionals who work in Multi-Grade Classrooms.  Working through Pepper – your SSDA Membership Portal – we are going to offer a program that includes a blend of online and face-to-face webinars, with a focus on the following: 

  • Building a Common Vision and Approach
  • Personalized Learning
  • Building and Using Effective Assessment Strategies
  • Developing Best-Practice Instructional Programs
  • Engaging Students with Success Criteria and Feedback

Click here to download an informational handout. This is an outstanding opportunity for administrators, teachers and paraprofessionals to work together and interact with program instructors from California and other rural districts who have decades of experience working in Multi-Grade Classrooms.  

Total effort is 20 hours, CEUs are available, and the cost for each participant is $299 for SSDA members ($349 for non-members).  

 Our program will start in January and end in May.  If you would like to get your staff signed up, or have any other questions, please contact Dr. Jack McLaughlin @ (775) 313-3121 or, or Corrie Pelc at