SSDA is Committed to Fighting for Small & Rural School Districts

The Small School Districts’ Association (SSDA) is committed to advocating for policies that support California’s small and rural school districts at both the state and national levels. Our legislative efforts focus on ensuring equitable funding, addressing staffing shortages, and local control. At the state level, we work to protect small school districts in Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) allocations, eliminate wasteful bureaucratic plan writing and reporting requirements, eliminate unfunded mandates, and push for flexible staffing policies. Nationally, we advocate for full funding of IDEA, reauthorization of the Secure Rural Schools Act, and increased federal support for rural schools. By engaging with policymakers, testifying before legislative bodies, and mobilizing our members, SSDA ensures that small schools have a strong voice in Sacramento and Washington, D.C.

Legislative Priorities Flier 2025