$4 Million Federal Education, Innovation & Research (EIR) Early-Phase Grant awarded to SSDA to co-design a model to implement K-12 CS pathways with rural CA schools, districts and county offices of education |
Interactive Implementation Dashboard

Learn more about CS4NorCal:
Listen to the podcast episode that features CS4NorCal talking about Computer Science Curriculum in Rural Places on The Rural Voice Official Podcast of the National Rural Education Association (NREA)

Watch the webinar that features CS4NorCal and our CS Champion, Tanja Ramming of Advancing Modoc, talking to learn about Engaging your Community in STEM Education.
- sponsored by the Education Innovation and Research office of the federal Department of Education

Contact CS4NorCal:
CS4NorCal Co-Director and Regional Ambassador, available for in-person visits:
Karen Mix, karen@cs4norcal.org
For information on the research study and evaluation process, contact the UC Davis Director of Research and Evaluation:
Robin Martin, romartin@ucdavis.edu
For information on the professional learning model and CS content, contact the Sacramento County Office of Education Director of CS and Distance Learning:
Jared Amalong, jamalong@scoe.net