Sign Up Now for SSDA's 2020 Board Training!
SSDA will be holding a full-day Board Training on Saturday, January 11, 2020 at National University in Rancho Cordova, CA. Listen to what attendees of last year's Board Training had to say!
- Good information and good pace. Much needed training for all board members!
- Love the small district focus – this has been my first opportunity to attend something so specific.
- This training was perfect for the new board members....a lot of information but created a strong foundation for future conversations between board of trustees and superintendent.
- Though my board president has been a trustee for many years, he very much appreciated the refresher. This training gave us many fresh ideas to incorporate in our district.
- Great day -- well worth it for the Board to get the same effective message.
Registration fee: $200 per person (registration fee includes breakfast and lunch) Bring your whole board and receive 1 free registration!
Click here to register by PO Click here to register by credit card